When diet is wrong, Medicine is of no use.

When diet is correct, Medicine is of no need.

Life is the most precious gift given to mankind by the almighty creator and to keep it healthy and happy he gave us Ayurved.

At Life Herbals we believe that natural herbal medicine is the only way to preserve and protect life and to do so we produce Natural Ayurvedic Medicines with the right process using the exact content and volume as mentioned in the Indian scriptures.

The secret of the Ayurved is hidden in three major factors

1. Authentic Raw Material

2. Right Processing Techniques

3. Optimum Dose

With in-depth knowledge of Indian Ayurved, we have been able to manufacture safe and effective medicines.

Headed by Mr.Laxmidas Mange (B.Pharm) (1991 batch) (J N. Medical College, KLE Society, Belgaum), Life Herbals has been manufacturing various Ayurvedic medicines using the best and most authentic ingredients that help patients live a healthy and better life.

A perfect blend of technology and Ayurved can be seen at the manufacturing plants of Life Herbals. With huge production capacity, our state of the art (GMP certified) manufacturing unit is equipped with most advanced and automated system.

For many companies medicine may be business but for Life Herbals, medicine is our service to society.